Nourishing Cuticle Oil

Nourishing Cuticle Oil

It is impossible to deal in a short article with the many varieties of Summer Sausce, but there are three or four which can be touched upon.

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Cuticles have an important role in protecting the skin and nails. Dry and brittel cuticles are not as effective in this protective role keeping out bacteria and inferctions. Regular moiturizing is essential for beautiful and healty nails and it’s important especially during the winter time.

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I created this simple-to-make cuticle oil with uplifting essential oils and just a few ingredients.

Castor oil has the potential to assist nail growth and make nails stronger and healthier. It prevents chipping of nails and improves cuticle prevent dryness, peeling, and ripping.

Hazelnut oil is rich in Vitamin E, an essential reparative agent when it comes to repairing damaged nails. Hazelnut oil possesses powerful antioxidant properties and rejuvenates skin that’s in a fragile condition.

“Essential oils in this formula are chosen especially for their mood lifting and stress reducing qualities.”

After the cream is frozen rather stiff, prepare a tub or bucket of coarsely chopped ice, with one-half less salt than you use for freezing. To each ten pounds of ice allow one quart of rock salt. Sprinkle a little rock salt in the bottom of your bucket or tub, then put over a layer of cracked ice, another layer of salt and cracked ice, and on this stand your mold, which is not filled, but is covered with a lid, and pack it all around, leaving the top, of course, to pack later on. Take your freezer near this tub.
Make sure that your packing tub or bucket has a hole below the top of the mold, so that the salt water will be drained off.

Nourishing Cuticle Oil


Carrier oils

  • 2 tbsp Castor oil
  • 1 tbsp Noisette oil (You can substitute this with jojoba oil, almond oil or argan oil.)

Essential oils

  • 25 drops Orange (essential oil)
  • 15 drops Lavender ( essential oil)
  • 15 drops Bergamot (essential oil)


  • Measure the carrier oils in a small beaker.
  • Add essential oils.
  • Mix with a small whisk or a glass rod.
  • Pour the oil into a small clean bottle with a drop cap.
Apply a few drops and massage it into nails and cuticles.
Inci: Castor oil

Aestia Diy

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