Good manufacturing practices

Good manufacturing practices

Good manufacturing practices, also known as the GMP, helps ensure that products are safe for their users. It also ensures that manufacturing processes are clean and hygienic, which is especially important when dealing with natural raw materials that can be more susceptible to contamination.

By following the GMP practices you take care of the cleanliness of the workspace and tools, the quality of raw materials and the final product, as well as documentation. Even tough it may seem boring subject and sound like a complete opposite to fun & creativity, it’s going to ensure product safety. (And also protect the expensive hard wood kitchen table of yours!)

GMP, or Good Manufacturing Practices, refers to adhering to precise and standardized manufacturing processes in the production of products.

GMP helps ensure that products are safe for their users. It also ensures that manufacturing processes are clean and hygienic, which is especially important when dealing with natural raw materials that can be more susceptible to contamination.

While home conditions will always be, well, home-y, and cannot replicate real laboratory conditions, common sense can be employed to ensure that a product made in small batches for personal use is safe to use and manufacture.

So tie back your hair and wash your hands. You can also use disposable gloves. These insturctions may seem obvious and common sense,

Clean workspace & tools

First rule of thumb is to ensure that you are working in a clean environment. Clean your workspace, wipe surfaces, and move unnecessary items aside. Keep a clean dishcloth or paper towel nearby and maintain a tidy working area. I also suggest that if you are working on a wooden table or on any delicate surface, to cover it with a cutting board or similar to avoid any oily marks or spills. Ensure proper ventilation.

Set out all the tools and ingredients you need. Preferably use own separate tools and containers for making cosmetics. Thoroughly clean all tools and utensils before and after production. Isopropyl alcohol (99%) is suitable for this. Make sure they are dry before use. Prefer glass and metal, which are easier to keep clean.

Clean and high quality ingredients

Dispense ingredients using cleaned utensils to prevent bacteria from entering the packages. Also, consider expiration dates. Store ingredients in a dry and clean place, protected from light.

Don’t rush & take your time

Be careful, especially when working with a water bath and with heated mixtures. Beware of hot oil and liquid. Be mindful when measuring ingredients carefully and keep the working area clean and in order to avoid any bottles falling etc. Basically no sudden moves!


Take care of the product’s shelf life. Choose natural preservatives that are effective and safe.

Recipes and documentation

Keep accurate records of all your recipes and manufacturing processes. This helps replicate successful batches and identify potential issues if something goes wrong.

Product Labeling

Clearly label your product and include all necessary information, such as ingredients and expiration date.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Adhering to GMP is crucial in the production of natural cosmetics. It helps ensure the quality and safety of products. While it may seem complex at first, it quickly becomes routine.

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Good manufacturing practices

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